LEANNE! Happy Birthday, girlfriend! Wishing you luck and happiness this year and always. Best of luck with the new job and congrats on finding some living space!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Blog Filler...Feel Free To Move On
Well, the count-down to school is officially on (15 days!)...got Phoenix his new Superman backpack with matching lunch bag, so he's happy. I had discovered $250 worth of GAP gift certificates lurking in my kitchen a few weeks ago, so the boys have some nice back to school wear.
This Friday I am meeting with Keegan's resource worker. She will be the one going into his preschool to work on his various issues. So I now have to come up with a series of goals for her to work on with him over the next three months.
Also discovered a gift certificate that my Dad had given Mark and I for Christmas for Stage West dinner theatre. We are going next week to see the Buddy Holly Story. Should be fun, and the food is always really good there.
On Wednesday, I'm finally hooking up with my friends Alison and Teresa and their daughters. It has been such a busy summer, that with our various holidays, we've been missing each other.
On Saturday I had left a post wishing my eldest brother Tommy a happy 43rd birthday. He was quick to respond that he was only 42, thank you very much...at least now I know he reads the blog;). I have since corrected. Sorry, brotha!
I can't believe how busy August is for birthdays. 3 cousins, 1 brother, two friends' kids, one grandparent, two friends, and a brother-in-law. Busy fall for those people's parents!
Mark's grandfather, if I'm not mistaken, will be 95 this Friday. Wow! Power to ya, Dzia Dzia!
That's about it for now. No exciting news, really. Pretty boring post. Feel free to erase it from your mind....NOW!
This Friday I am meeting with Keegan's resource worker. She will be the one going into his preschool to work on his various issues. So I now have to come up with a series of goals for her to work on with him over the next three months.
Also discovered a gift certificate that my Dad had given Mark and I for Christmas for Stage West dinner theatre. We are going next week to see the Buddy Holly Story. Should be fun, and the food is always really good there.
On Wednesday, I'm finally hooking up with my friends Alison and Teresa and their daughters. It has been such a busy summer, that with our various holidays, we've been missing each other.
On Saturday I had left a post wishing my eldest brother Tommy a happy 43rd birthday. He was quick to respond that he was only 42, thank you very much...at least now I know he reads the blog;). I have since corrected. Sorry, brotha!
I can't believe how busy August is for birthdays. 3 cousins, 1 brother, two friends' kids, one grandparent, two friends, and a brother-in-law. Busy fall for those people's parents!
Mark's grandfather, if I'm not mistaken, will be 95 this Friday. Wow! Power to ya, Dzia Dzia!
That's about it for now. No exciting news, really. Pretty boring post. Feel free to erase it from your mind....NOW!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Hey, Hey Tommy!
Hey, hey, Tommy
Happy 42nd Birthday!!!!
Hope you have a good one!
Your much-younger sister,
Happy 42nd Birthday!!!!
Hope you have a good one!
Your much-younger sister,
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Some pictures from our vacation at the cottage. Note the mouth-full of sand in Ty's mouth as he smiles with Mark...Phoenix's six pack on the beach...Ty in the sink-tub...and Phoenix, Keegan and Mark doing the "dead llama". (If you've seen The Emperor's New Groove, you'll know what this is...). See how Phoenix is putting an X over his eye to indicate cartoon death. Yeah, they're pretty sick puppies...

Monday, August 14, 2006
Lots Of Thoughts
Yesterday was the four year anniversary of my mother's death. I had a cramp in my heart the whole day. Four years. Seems like forever, and yesterday, at the same time. My son Phoenix said to me, "I'm the lucky one, because I knew her for two whole years!". Yes, my son, you were the lucky one indeed. Keegan knew her for only three months of his life, and Ty, not at all.
We went to the cemetery to visit her grave, and I did my little update monologue and shed many tears. The kids came and gave me a hug, and gave their updates too. Pretty sweet. Ty was fascinated by all of the markers, and decided that it was a great green space to run around in. We also took the opportunity to visit my grandparents, who were recently interred together in a wall niche. My grandmother passed away in 1991 and my grandfather in 2004, and you might think that I had my grieving process well in hand. But seeing their names together; it made it suddenly real. I was surprised at the rush of tears that came. I looked at my husband and just whispered, "Oh my God, it still hurts!"
Keegan came and took my hand, and looked at the plaque and said, "Look Mommy. It says Thomas!" I think he was quite impressed that GG and his favourite train share the same name.
We arrived home on Friday evening from a week at the cottage. The kids were great. Phoenix is now swimming like a little fish, and all three of the boys would have been quite content to stay in the water all day long. Keegs was not impressed whenever I would tell him it was time to get out. Can you say, "TANTRUM!!!"? The weather for the most part was fantastic. The last two days were a bit cool, but it made for great sleeping. Bugs were virtually non-existant. We didn't get any bites until Thursday, when I took the boys blueberry picking in a forested area. But even so, only 2 or three bites each.
We met a lot of nice families and there were plenty of kids for our guys to play with. We took a day and went with another family to Santa's Village, where it's Christmas all summer long. Weird to walk around in tank tops and shorts and listen to Jingle Bells at the same time. I went on 4 or 5 rides with the kids, and they got to ride on the train. Oh, and see Santa and the wife too, which was neat. Having said all of that, I now say, been there, done that. It was great for the kids but very expensive. It was over $80 for us just to get in and that was with Ty being free! Jeepers. Thank goodness we brought our own food to eat, or we would have had to take out a loan to cover the costs!
It's nice to be back home though, and I will be glad to get Keegan back to his school routine. It seems that all that he learned at his summer camp has leaked out his ears. Major behavioural issues, I tell you! Well, as with everything Keegan, one step forward, two steps back.
Took Keegan to the pediatrician today for a check-up. Regarding his development, she seems to think that Keegan may have Asperger's Syndrome, which, in layman's terms, is like saying one has a touch of autism.
From what I understand, it is characterized by lack of social skills, or rather, inappropriate social skills. Like when someone says, "How are you, Keegan?" and he responds inappropriately, "Thomas is blue." Kids like this are often obsessed with a particular thing, like cars or trains or parts of objects.
Kids with Asperger's are usually extremely bright. This has nothing to do with intelligence, and actually, many who are diagnosed as such are gifted in certain areas. As adults, they may be geniuses in their chosen fields of work, but may be seen as eccentric, because of their lack of social skills.
To make a long story short, he seems to meet a lot of the critera, and she is recommending him to a developmental pediatrican for testing. The wait list is, yeah, two years long. However, she said that once a positive diagnosis is made, it makes additional resources available to him that wouldn't be there otherwise, like having a full-time EA (educational assistant) at school, if required.
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these freaking waiting lists! Anyway, gotta help with the potty run. Feel free to leave comments. I love to hear from ya!
PS Happy belated birthdays to cousins Hailey and Rachel, and their mom Lori, and to Sophie and Brynn.
We went to the cemetery to visit her grave, and I did my little update monologue and shed many tears. The kids came and gave me a hug, and gave their updates too. Pretty sweet. Ty was fascinated by all of the markers, and decided that it was a great green space to run around in. We also took the opportunity to visit my grandparents, who were recently interred together in a wall niche. My grandmother passed away in 1991 and my grandfather in 2004, and you might think that I had my grieving process well in hand. But seeing their names together; it made it suddenly real. I was surprised at the rush of tears that came. I looked at my husband and just whispered, "Oh my God, it still hurts!"
Keegan came and took my hand, and looked at the plaque and said, "Look Mommy. It says Thomas!" I think he was quite impressed that GG and his favourite train share the same name.
We arrived home on Friday evening from a week at the cottage. The kids were great. Phoenix is now swimming like a little fish, and all three of the boys would have been quite content to stay in the water all day long. Keegs was not impressed whenever I would tell him it was time to get out. Can you say, "TANTRUM!!!"? The weather for the most part was fantastic. The last two days were a bit cool, but it made for great sleeping. Bugs were virtually non-existant. We didn't get any bites until Thursday, when I took the boys blueberry picking in a forested area. But even so, only 2 or three bites each.
We met a lot of nice families and there were plenty of kids for our guys to play with. We took a day and went with another family to Santa's Village, where it's Christmas all summer long. Weird to walk around in tank tops and shorts and listen to Jingle Bells at the same time. I went on 4 or 5 rides with the kids, and they got to ride on the train. Oh, and see Santa and the wife too, which was neat. Having said all of that, I now say, been there, done that. It was great for the kids but very expensive. It was over $80 for us just to get in and that was with Ty being free! Jeepers. Thank goodness we brought our own food to eat, or we would have had to take out a loan to cover the costs!
It's nice to be back home though, and I will be glad to get Keegan back to his school routine. It seems that all that he learned at his summer camp has leaked out his ears. Major behavioural issues, I tell you! Well, as with everything Keegan, one step forward, two steps back.
Took Keegan to the pediatrician today for a check-up. Regarding his development, she seems to think that Keegan may have Asperger's Syndrome, which, in layman's terms, is like saying one has a touch of autism.
From what I understand, it is characterized by lack of social skills, or rather, inappropriate social skills. Like when someone says, "How are you, Keegan?" and he responds inappropriately, "Thomas is blue." Kids like this are often obsessed with a particular thing, like cars or trains or parts of objects.
Kids with Asperger's are usually extremely bright. This has nothing to do with intelligence, and actually, many who are diagnosed as such are gifted in certain areas. As adults, they may be geniuses in their chosen fields of work, but may be seen as eccentric, because of their lack of social skills.
To make a long story short, he seems to meet a lot of the critera, and she is recommending him to a developmental pediatrican for testing. The wait list is, yeah, two years long. However, she said that once a positive diagnosis is made, it makes additional resources available to him that wouldn't be there otherwise, like having a full-time EA (educational assistant) at school, if required.
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these freaking waiting lists! Anyway, gotta help with the potty run. Feel free to leave comments. I love to hear from ya!
PS Happy belated birthdays to cousins Hailey and Rachel, and their mom Lori, and to Sophie and Brynn.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
It's A Bird! It's A Plane! Nope...Just My Lousy Computer...
ARRGHHH! Sometimes, I really hate computers. Like the one I am currently typing on. From day to day, I don't know if it will let me onto the internet. I have been without for a while. Today, it decided to work, so I thought I'd throw in an update while I can.
This week, I am gearing up my stress level preparing for our yearly trip to the cottage. It really is so much to organize. I mean, it's not that I just have to pack clothes for 5 people. I have to pack clothes for all weather, footwear for all weather, sunny day activities and rainy day activities. Playpen. Bedding. First aid stuff. Toiletries. Food, food, and more food. Toys. And on and on. I actually have three lists going, if you can believe it.
I thrive on lists these days. My memory is shot. Mark's is worse. If I don't write things down, they won't get done. I'll end up at the cottage and think, F*&%! I forgot a kid! So, I am list Queen this week.
I am putting off laundry, and therefore packing of the clothes, until Friday. I just can't seem to get motivated. I always have a great time when we're there, but I hate the lead time. Must be my inate procrastination. Always put off today, what you can find an excuse not to do tomorrow, that's my motto.
Keegs is still enjoying his summer program, and is doing quite well, I think. He is really starting to verbalize his needs and wants, which makes for a lot less tantrums around here.
I don't know how the weather is wherever you are reading this, but it is freaking HOT here. Like, lung-searing hot. Brutal. I cringe to think of the energy bill when it comes next. Can you say, Kraft Dinner for a month?
Anyway, I am feeling the blahs setting in. Need some chocolate. I do have a lot to vent about and news to share, but can't seem to focus my brain. I'll try again tomorrow.
If my computer lets me into Blogger, that is.
Later, taters!
PS Happy belated and upcoming birthdays to Spencer, Sophie and Brynn!
This week, I am gearing up my stress level preparing for our yearly trip to the cottage. It really is so much to organize. I mean, it's not that I just have to pack clothes for 5 people. I have to pack clothes for all weather, footwear for all weather, sunny day activities and rainy day activities. Playpen. Bedding. First aid stuff. Toiletries. Food, food, and more food. Toys. And on and on. I actually have three lists going, if you can believe it.
I thrive on lists these days. My memory is shot. Mark's is worse. If I don't write things down, they won't get done. I'll end up at the cottage and think, F*&%! I forgot a kid! So, I am list Queen this week.
I am putting off laundry, and therefore packing of the clothes, until Friday. I just can't seem to get motivated. I always have a great time when we're there, but I hate the lead time. Must be my inate procrastination. Always put off today, what you can find an excuse not to do tomorrow, that's my motto.
Keegs is still enjoying his summer program, and is doing quite well, I think. He is really starting to verbalize his needs and wants, which makes for a lot less tantrums around here.
I don't know how the weather is wherever you are reading this, but it is freaking HOT here. Like, lung-searing hot. Brutal. I cringe to think of the energy bill when it comes next. Can you say, Kraft Dinner for a month?
Anyway, I am feeling the blahs setting in. Need some chocolate. I do have a lot to vent about and news to share, but can't seem to focus my brain. I'll try again tomorrow.
If my computer lets me into Blogger, that is.
Later, taters!
PS Happy belated and upcoming birthdays to Spencer, Sophie and Brynn!
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