What's new, what's new, what's new....
Well, seeing as my last entry was dated pre-Christmas, I'm sure there is quite a bit...
Speaking of Christmas, we all managed to get through the holiday illness-free...that didn't come until the week after when we all got the flu...but, even with that, that holidays were great, and the kids had a blast, and we got to spend time with lots of friends and family, and really, what more can one ask for? (Well, maybe one could ask for a lottery win to pay the post-holiday bills...)
In more recent, and ultimately more exciting (to me) news, Ty is now out of diapers and into underwear! YAY! He even wipes his own butt, which is great, although I now have to teach him toilet-paper rationing, as he uses about a roll and a half at a time.
Proofing/editing work has also picked up for me lately, and I now have three clients that I work for on a pretty regular basis, which is fabulous. The only downside is that 99% of my work has to be done at night, after the kidlets go to sleep, so 5 nights out of 7, I am hitting the hay in the wee hours of the morning...
I think though, that after having three kids, my body never got the chance to get back to the joy of an eight hour sleep, and I find that I can function (almost) normally on only 4 or 5 hours a night, so it's all good.
I recently signed Ty up for JK for the fall. I was originally going to keep him out an extra year, but he has made enormous strides lately, and I think that kindergarden is a better option for him.
I have received mixed reviews on this decision. Unrequested opinions, if you must know, and this annoys the hell out of me.
Note to all: it is one thing to comment on your own child's development and your plan for that child. It is entirely another to critisize a parent on their choices for eductional development for their own child, especially when you have NO IDEA what is behind the decision. There. Rant over.
So, yes. Ty is doing much better these days. Not exactly a winner of public speaking awards, but his spontaneous speech is much improved, and he seems destined to be a muscian-type, as he is always singing, and rarely without his guitar, strumming along to his tunes...
Keegan finally lost his first tooth, and has another one getting ready to come out.
Phoenix's front teeth have finally grown in all the way, and I have to say, that when your kid gets a few adult teeth in their head, it totally changes the way they look. He went from looking like a little boy, to a little man instead. Sigh...time flies...I can't believe he will be nine years old soon.
My nephew Lucas, at the age of almost-fourteen, is six feet tall. The kid is a giant. He was over on the weekend, and I had to stand on a stair to look him in the eye. He thinks it is hilarious. I just feel...well...short. And I'm glad that it is Ela, and not I, who has to keep him in jeans and shoes, when he grows out of them every two months.
I know, I know, my time of growth spurts will come...at least now, I still have a lot of clothes for the boys to grow into/hand down, so my biggest financial burden in that area is supplying shoes...
Gee, I was full of ideas and news when I started this, and now my mind has gone blank. Hmm. Well, I guess if I remember anything else exciting I can repost as a PS.
Oh, if you are looking for a good read, I recommend the new Wally Lamb (The Hour I First Believed), the new Christopher Moore (Fool) and the new Bryce Courtenay (The Persimmon Tree). And DVD box set-wise, I always recommend LOST, Dexter and The Tudors. Movies? You must see Slumdog Millionaire. Awesome film. Food? Just kidding...that's it for recommendations...feel free to leave some of your own...especially books...