Phoenix!!! You are 9 years old today! Wow...this is your last year in the single digits...
You are just finishing up Grade 3, and you are having your Sonic the Hedgehog Party today with your friends...
You are still into Tranformers, LEGO and video games of the PS2 and DS variety.
You love to read, especially topics that interest you...this year included Harry Potter, Star Wars, Knights and Castles and the Titanic...
You also are a burgeoning artist, drawing and writing stories in every spare minute of your day (even while travelling in the car!)...
In some ways, you show a maturity beyond your years, and I am continually impressed by the way you handle difficult situations with wisdom and grace. I am also astounded by the level of your sarcasm, which on one hand, makes me want to yell at you, but at the same time, I often think, yeah, nice one! Genes will out, as they say.
Phoenix, enjoy your year of being nine. It is a great year for still being a little kid without the pressures that come along with becoming a tween. I wish you happiness always, and you know that I love you so, and that you fill me with pride.