Monday, January 23, 2006

ACK! I'm Wounded! Time For Operation Wean

Okay, I have to say the the worst ordeal any nursing mother can go through is weaning. With my first son, it was hell. Ended up cutting him off cold turkey, as he would just starve himself until the next breastfeeding. Keegs was no problem, really. Ty, well, I probably would have kept nursing him for a few months, but he has this little weapon in his mouth. It's called the razor-tooth. Nothing I do can deter him from biting, and that little tooth is freaking sharp!!! As a result, I have a series of cuts, you know where. OUCH!

So, today started project wean. He cried for 1/2 hour non-stop, drank half an ounce and fell asleep. Sigh. This may be harder than I thought. I am not doing a cold-turkey wean. I plan to nurse for his morning feeding and evening one, and bottle feed throughout the day. Wish me luck!

Onto other matters...Friday night was HBO party night at my aunt's house to celebrate her and my cousin's birthdays. The idea was to dress up as your favourite Sex in the City or Sopranos character. My one cousin went with Miranda, while the rest of us favoured the Sopranos. I went as Tony's sister Janice, complete with the Rolling Stones tattoo on my left boob. Verreee classy, yeah baby.

Food was Italian, of course, and awesome. Good job, Cath. We even had loot bags! (Thanks Dana!)Cosmo glasses filled with red and clear beads, with recipes for Cosmopolitans, bags of linguine pasta, with recipes out of the Sopranos cookbook, and even toy guns that shout "FIRE! FIRE!" complete with bullet blasting sound. My kids swiped these from my obviously-poor hiding place and are now tearing up the joint. Great, now I'm raising little gangsters!

Last week was pretty crappy. I had the flu, and it wiped me out for a few days, thus the lack of posting. Better this week though. Kids have their swimming lessons tomorrow. Hey, and today is the federal election! I'll be glad to see the campaign signs off of everyone's lawns, if nothing else. Our neighbourhood seems to be a 50/50 split between Liberal and PC. I think it may be a close result in our city.

When the boy gets home from work, I intend to hustle over to the school and cast my ballot. Vote, people, VOTE!

Well, my children inform me that it is time for Elmo's World (oh, so I'd better dash. TTFN.

Update: 4:35 pm...Ty has a new tooth! Upper left. What a smile...upper and lower left...

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