This is a picture of Tyger after I wiped his face with a cloth that had extremely trace amounts of peanut butter on it. Scary, man. They say that you should wait until your child reaches the age of two before introducing peanut butter to your child's diet. With Phoenix and Keegan, I waited until they were 3, just to be sure, since I have a million food allergies (oddly, not including peanut butter) and I didn't know how much of that would be heriditary. So poor Tiggs, didn't even eat any, but had his face wiped with a cloth that had been wrung out in soapy water at least 5 times after having peanut butter on it, and ended up with a scarlet rash, swelling and blistering. It gives me nightmares to think of what would have happened if he somehow ingested some. Kripes! But do not worry; I gave him some Benedryl and all signs were gone within an hour. Scared the crap out of me though. All moms beware!!!! It might be worth it to test on the back of your child's shoulder or something before letting them eat peanut butter. Ty reacted wherever the cloth touched him. Be careful!
Wow! That is some scary shit. Why the fuck weren't we all allergic to PB when we were kids? I mean did you ever hear of it back then? I didn't. Glad he's o.k.
Actually, a friend of my brother died from a peanut allergy attack at Arby's. His mom was instrumental in getting fast-food places to list ingredients...
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