Yes, my little Keggers started pre-school today! We had a bit of a snafu this morning when the bus that was supposed to pick him up at 8:45 did not arrive until 9:30!!!! I called the school about 9:15 to inquire, and apparently, the school forgot to inform the driver that she had a new pick-up. Typical paperwork crap, you know. Anyway, poor Keegan had been waiting outside of the house since about 8:35, and kept saying, "Mommy, I just want to go to school!"
Once the bus arrived, Keegan was more than willing to hop aboard and go off to school. He gave me a kiss, and said, "I love you Mommy! Bye!" and that was it. I was relieved. I have been going through weeks of anxiety dreading this moment, fearing a tearful meltdown. But he was awesome, and he had a great time. The teachers sent me a note saying that he participated in show & tell, showing off his "James" train engine, finger and brush painted, and did puzzles and played ball with another kid. When they dropped him off at lunch time, he came inside and said, "I had fun, Mommy! I want a cheese sandwich!" So, I made him one, and now he's sleeping it off. All in all, a great morning...
Congrats to the big school boy!!
They always do better than we think they will ;)
I am so happy it all worked out for Keegan and for Mommy. Sometimes it's harder on us Moms, isn't it?
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