Christmas came early around here for us carnivores. Dad said that he would fill my freezer. Now I can barely shut the door! 3 HUGE roasting chickens. Massive prime rib. Enormous rolled pork roast. Chicken breasts. Butterfly pork chops. Sausages. Bacon. And 4 of the biggest sirloin steaks known to man since the Flinstones (see picture). Woo-hoo! Won't have to shop for a year! Now, who' s coming for dinner?
Mark sat me down last night with the intention of giving me a serious lecture regarding the amount of credit card spending I did last month, particularly at the book store. I gave him a calculating look, and then said casually, "Will morning sex call this even?" He said, "DONE!" So, this morning I got my cardio workout done without having to leave bed, and avoided a lecture at the same time. What can I say? I'm a book-whore. Anything to satisfy the addiction...Oh sorry. What that one of those "too-much-information" moments?
I'm assuming that's a yes. Mmmm. Sorry...
Yes, that's a yes. Oops!. I guess I didn't proof read LOL.
I'm more alarmed by the picture of the bloody, dripping meat than I am Mark's meat.
His doesn't alarm me either. Good thing!
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