Monday, March 20, 2006

It's Over!

Yes, March break is finally over. Hurray! Goodbye longest week of my life!

Well, operation underwear is still in effect with some minor glitches, those being bowel movements, but hey, life is a journey of several loads of laundry. We'll get there!

Happy belated birthday to two of my favourite girls, Tayiah and Brooke who celebrated their b-days yesterday, turning 8 and 3 respectively. Sniff! They grow up so fast!!!

The boys had a great time yesterday at Brooke's party and believe it or not, it is 7:42 and Keegan is still sleeping it off! Yahoo!

Had a great time with my brother and his family on Saturday when they came over for dinner. We hadn't seen them since Christmas so the boys were very happy to see their cousins again. Especially since they brought Batman and Spiderman hand-me-downs. New pjs are new pjs in their book, so thanks!

Tomorrow Phoenix starts back at school, and this Friday we are going to visit Keegan's new pre-school. Hopefully he will be able to start in the next week or two.

Ty stood by himself with no support for a full 34 seconds yesterday (yeah, I counted!). Mark and I were pretty excited. Walking (and thus more trouble) soon!

Well, I guess I'd better get some breakfast going for the kids who are conscious. Later taters.


Anonymous said...

LittleJuJu's break doesn't even START until next week. I'm weeping.

KZ said...

I too am cheering the end of the dreaded "break" - glad that O.U. is going well and that Keegs got into the school - that's fantastic! Ty the jet fighter - soon to be zooming all over the house...hugs to all!