Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Oh, My Lord! So It Begins...

A note I received from Keegan's teacher this morning:

"Keegan is in love! He spent the morning with Alyssa. They played together, had snack together and were kissing. We did put a stop to the heavy kissing though. They were adorable together."


2 days away from being 5 and already snogging with the girls. So, all of the women I've told said, "Oh dear!" or something to that effect. All the men have said, "Alright! Way to go!" and other testosterone-driven comments. Hmpf. Typical.

I gave a petit lecture on kissing, saying that kissing was for family, and if you really like a friend you should hug them instead. He said, "But Mommy, I really like kissing Alyssa May!" Jeez. I was innocent enough to think that I need not give this talk to the boys until the 'tween years. Kids grow up too darned fast!


radiogurl said...

Hilarious! Just be thankful he was kissing Alyssa and not Alex.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Shannon said...

I jokingly asked him if they were going to get married. He said, "No Mommy. I just like kissing her." I've raised a playah.