Sunday, November 06, 2005

Oh yeah, I could be a criminal...if I wanted to...

Before you start reading, hum the theme to Mission Impossible for a minute, you know "Da, da , DA DA, da da DADA....doo doo doo, doo doo doo" etc.

Now, picture a 3-year old boy, curled up on the couch, watching Mickey Mouse with his deparately-needs-a-wash blankie firmly in his grasp. Enter Mom in stealth mode..."Hey, look sweetie, is that Spiderman on the ceiling? No? My mistake...". See the little boy go back to watching Mickey while his mother, casually whistling above theme song, walks sideways out of the room, looking 5 months pregnant. A mad dash for the basement stairs, a whip of the wrist, and voila! One skanky blankie in the washing machine. I hope it is finished drying before nap time rolls around...

PS Happy Birthday to Auntie Susan and childhood pal Jackie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon!
I'm impressed with the blog! I can't imagine myself writing such humourous, coherent thoughts period, let alone on a daily basis!
Keep it up!