Monday, March 13, 2006

The Results Are In...

Well, the results are in from Ty's allergy testing. He had a skin test this morning for peanuts and tree nuts. He did have a reaction to the peanut one, although not severe. I do not have to carry an epi-pen for him at this time, but should always have Benedryl to hand. I have to bring him back in two years for re-testing.

And I just have to add that he was so GOOD! Not a whimper; just flirted with the receptionist and other female patients...typical male.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it wasn't severe but still scary none the less. Don't leave home without the benedryl!

radiogurl said...

No other allergies to speak of then? That's good news all round I'd say. Kids do outgrow a lot of food allergies anyhow, although probably not the peanut thing. A friend of mine tells me her toddler is allergic to tomatoes. I was too. Outgrew that one along with grapes and oranges.

Shannon said...

Apparently only 15-20% of infants that test positive for peanut allergy grow out of it...but I hope he does. Weird, but I grew INTO allergies...I wasn't allergic to anything until I was about 13. Freakin' hormones!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog everyday. It keeps me up todate

Anonymous said...

Benedryl is a god send...especially for those long plane rides ;)

Way to go ty!

Anonymous said...

Whew! I'm so glad that Ty isn't severely allergic to peanuts; I was concerned after seeing those pictures of his rash! Hopefully he'll grow out of it!!
